The grammaticalization of Spanish general extenders. A case of linguistic change in the 20 th century



There are hardly any previous studies about the diachronic evolution of Spanish general extenders, which have grammaticalized in a similar way to other discourse elements, such as discourse and pragmatic markers. Some of the linguistic changes which may be observed since at least the second half of the 20th C and disclose the grammaticalization process are: morphological fixation, lost of the referential function of some of their components, the combination with non-nominal anchoring constituents, the acquisition of a procedural meaning and the development of metadiscourse functions not linked to the original referential meaning.


General extenders, Grammaticalization, Pragmatic functions, Diachrony in the 20 th century

Author Biography

Margarita Borreguero Zuloaga, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Para correspondencia, dirigirse a: Margarita Borreguero Zuloaga (, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Filología (edificio D), Avenida Profesor Aranguren s/n, Ciudad Universitaria, 28040 Madrid (España).


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