Agentive suffixes in Spanish such as –ero, –ista and –dor have been widely studied. However, the verbal suffix –nte has been excluded from analyses involving agentivity. The –nte inclusion in the agentive system is essential to complement previous work, as well as to understand current lexical creation processes reflected in the coining of neologisms formed with these suffixes.
Thus, this article aims to describe the semantic and lexical characteristics of the deverbal agentive suffixes –dor, –nte, and –ón, mostly in the mexicanspanish dialect throughan onomasiological analysis based on competing schemes between –dor, –nte, and –on, focused on the performance of these suffixes in the formation of neologisms. The results indicate that each of the agentive suffixes presents a specific profile that results in clear selection preferences, –dor being the most common suffix and with the fewest restrictions.
Vázquez Pérez, E. (2020). Onomasiological analysis of verbal agentive suffixes –nte, –dor, and –ón. Boletín De Filología, 55(1), pp. 405–427. Retrieved from