The demonstrative el/aquel as antecedent of the oblique relative clauses: evolution and factors of use


  • Francisco Javier Vellón Lahoz Universitat Jaume I


The article examines the evolution of the demonstrative pronoun as antecedent of the relative clauses headed by prepositions ''en'' and ''con'' between the 16th and 19th centuries. The article focuses on the diachronic phenomena relationed with this grammatical structure: the survival of the etymological form of the demonstrative (el en que / el con que); the expansion of the innovative variant (aquel en que/aquel con que); the consolidation of the concordance of number in relative clauses introduced by pronouns quien and cual. The analysis takes as reference data obtained from three historical corpus: CORDE, the corpus of Davies and a corpus based on texts of ego-documents


diachronic linguistics, demonstrative pronoun, relative clauses, Spanish, corpus linguistics