The description of linguistic variety and the explanation of why it exists are two of the main goals of sociolinguistics. To achieve those goals sociolinguistics sets itself the task of analysing the beliefs and attitudes people have towards language uses as well as how linguistic varieties are perceived and reacted to. In 2013, the Proyecto para el estudio de creencias y actitudes hacia variedades del español en el siglo XXI (PRECAVES XXI [Project for the study of beliefs and attitudes regarding varieties of Spanish in the 21st century]) came into being with a view to gathering empirical data related to those issues. It is a pan-Hispanic project in which coordinated teams from all over the world take part in researching the perception of educated varieties of Spanish with the aid of a survey based mainly on the matched guise technique. By way of theoretical and methodological framework for the project and, therefore, of the studies comprising this monograph, this article introduces the theoretical grounding of the PRECAVES XXI project and the methodological procedures devised and employed to carry out the research. It also introduces the plan of the monographic volume and offers some preliminary comparison of the information gathered in the areas studied.
linguistic beliefs, linguistic attitudes, perceptions, varieties os Spanish, Castilian Spanish, questionnaire, PRECAVES XXI
Cestero, A. M., & Paredes, F. (2018). Beliefs and attitudes towards educated varieties of contemporary spanish: the PRECAVES XXIProject. Boletín De Filología, 53(2), pp. 11–43. Retrieved from