In general, digo (‘[I] say’) behaves like a discourse marker, through which cognitive processes of the speaker are ordered and structured in order to interpret and understand a text or an utterance, literally marking the attitude of the speaker or author of the information. The present study aims to qualitatively analyze the syntactic position of digo in the syntagm, as well as its various meanings or semanticpragmatic functions derived from it in the utterance. In this context, we will also take into account the contextual elements with which digo usually appears, and then try to establish a relationship between its syntactic position and its procedural meaning in the utterance. The corpus examples will be taken from the Corpus de la Real Academia Española (CREA) and the Corpus del Español (CdE).
Böhm, V., & Hennemann, A. (2018). The interaction of the syntactic position and the procedural meaning in the use of digo. Boletín De Filología, 53(1), pp. 11–34. Retrieved from