This research aims to describe and explain the values of pluscuamperfect (past perfect) tense in Andean Spanish. To achieve our purpose that, we analysed 15 semi-structured oral interviews of Quechua-Spanish bilingual speakers, in the district of Chinchero (Cuzco, Peru), which were done in 2011 and 2012. The analysis of the corpus shows that the use of pluscuamperfect tense does not coincide with the usual one, that is indicate a past event previous to another past event. Otherwise it seems to be related with validation of the information and reportative or evidentiality values and is used to narrate events not lived and legends, events whose veracity is not reliable, and to express mirativity facing received information or occurred events.
García Tesoro, A. I. (2016). Emerging values of pluperfect in Andean Spanish (Chinchero, Cusco). Boletín De Filología, 50(2), Pág. 51–75. Retrieved from