In the last few decades the study of taboos in language has made considerable, though not yet sufficient, progress, particularly in disciplines such as sociolinguistics and pragmatics that concern
themselves with the spoken word. This has led to a broadening of the object of study and to the emergence of interdisciplinary approaches.One of the more neglected aspects of the linguistic expression of taboo concepts, behaviour and realities is variation as the result of social factors. For that reason, and with a view to deepening our understanding of its discursive functions and of the repercussion on its use of certain social factors (sex, age, educational level and social class), we are carrying out research into taboos in language in the spoken language of Madrid, as part of the proyect: “Proyecto para el Estudio Sociolingüístico del Español de España y América (PRESEEA)”. Our approach to the subject is twofold, considering on the one hand what happens in semi-formal oral discourse and, on the other, speakers’ perceptions of the use made of taboo expressions. This article presents the results of the first part of our research and the conclusions we have reached regarding sociolinguistic patterns in the expression of taboos.
Cestero Mancera, A. M. (2015). Expressing taboos: a sociolinguistic study. Boletín De Filología, 50(1), Pág. 71 – 105. Retrieved from