This paper aims at describing and interpreting the discourse of bilingual speakers of Spanish-Chedungun in the context of an approach to a social construction of the language. An approach to different discourses regarding Chedungun may allow the understanding of the attitudes, social representations and language loyalties of speakers. We analyzed the discourse of bilingual elders,adults and young people recognized in their respective communities. The present qualitative-exploratory study is framed in the field of Ethnolinguistics. The data was gathered through semi-structured interviews, as part of ethnographic field work in the Fondecyt Iniciación 11110362 “Caracterización etnolingüística de producción yreproducción de la lengua mapuche rural en comunidades pehuenches de Pitril y Caillaqui, Alto Bío-Bío”, and the Master thesis “Creencias religiosas y chedungun en las comunidades mapuche en conflicto de la zona de Nahuelbuta”.
social construction of language, religion and Mapudungun, the Mapuche language and ontology of language
Ojeda, P., & Álvarez, J. (2015). Elements for the social construction of chedungun through metalinguistic discourses of bilingual speakers from the VIII Region of Chile. Boletín De Filología, 49(2), Pág. 161 – 185. Retrieved from