The aim of this study was to determine, qualitatively and quantitatively, the nature and extent of the presence of Japanese lexical items in a representative sample of newspapers and magazines published in Santiago de Chile between 1976 and 2007. To this end, some 76,000 pages were systematically andyzed in search of Japanese lexical elernents. The investigation found 372 different lexical items of Japanese origin in the corpus. Said lexical items were assessed in terms of their vitality (measured by their frequency of occurrence); were semantically classified; and were lexicographically dealt with in an alphabetically arranged inventory.
Words of Japanese origin in Chilean Spanish, lexical borrowing, languages in contact
Prieto, L. (2007). Voces de origen japonés en el léxico de la prensa de Santiago de Chile. Boletín De Filología, 42, Pág. 157–317. Retrieved from