Descendants íiom the Age of Enlightenment, the Bolivarian circles showed themselves concerned about what was to become of education in h e r i c a once the Independence war carne to an end, as well as aleht to the cultural and scientific enviroment af those days. The Correo del Orinoco, a newspaper edited in Angostura while the Independence war was still in course, gathers a great deal of news, opínions and proposais on these issues, and notably on those of linguistic nature. Those ones who contribute to its pages are aware of the higb value of the language which connects American among themselves, on the one hand, and Americans and Spaniards, on the other. Likewise, they are resalute advocates of language correctness both in its written and oral use, though acknowledging at the same time the dialectal peculiarities which make it different from European Spanish, a fact, the Iatter, which come of them nobly adrnit. The rationalism with which the pro- Independence elites were imbud shows itself in facts such as the rigorous analysis of what was "politically correct" language concerning the military and propagandisticaily confionted sides, and in their eagerness to identiSr certain wards with their exact meaning and their corresponding regional distribution, withoiut leaving out the accuracy of their definitions, al1 of which renders the Bolivarian corpus an extremely valuable tool for the study of the history of American Spanish. Mence the validity of their diatopic references, the accuracy with which the entrance of Anglicisms or the adoption of neologisms to give account of the new state of affairs can be attested, as well as the opportune definitions attached to the not scarce mentions of lexical indigenisrns and Americanisms.
Amerisan Spanish, linguistic geography, neologisms, afroamericanisms, indigenisms and Americanisms
Frago Gracia, J. A. (2007). Precisión semántica y diatópica en el léxico de la prensa bolivariana. Boletín De Filología, 42, Pág. 51–69. Retrieved from