Diminutive suffixes in the thesis novel: Doña Perfecta de Galdís as a case in point


  • Rafael García Pérez Departamento de Humanidades: Filosofía, Lenguaje y Literatura, Facultad de Humanidades, Comunicación y Documentación, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Calle Madrid, 126, 28903 Getafe (Madrid)


This paper has researched the role of diminutive suffi xes in Literatureand, especially, in the 19th century Spanish novel. Based on the example of an important thesis novel of the period (Galdos' Doña Perfecta), the research fi ndings have shown that the narrator's usage of diminutive suffi xes reinforces the author's criticisism of the intoleranceand religious fanaticism common among the Spanish conservativesocial classes in the second half of the nineteenth century. In fact,diminutive suffi xes have an axiological nature which turns them intoa very useful rethorical device in order to achieve persuasion.    


Spanish appreciative suffi xes, diminutive, thesis novel, Benito Pérez Galdós