Snapshots of Mexican Graffiti: Stories, Voices and Youth Experiences


  • Tania Cruz Salazar Universidad Libre de Berlín


This article talks about the emergence of graffiti and the youth culture around it in Mexico City. To do so, I resort to different generational images that have served as icons of youth and the way of being young. In particularizing this youth culture, I take up images of socio-cultural context that allow us to understand the character of graffiti. I present a brief historical account of American and Mexican graffiti that takes New York City and later Mexico City as nodes of production. Finally, the different voices of the members of graffiti collectives harmonize with the emergence of graffiti.


graffitti, identity and youth culture

Author Biography

Tania Cruz Salazar, Universidad Libre de Berlín

Doctora en Antropología Social. Profesora invitada en la Universidad Libre de Berlín y posdoctorante de El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, San Cristóbal de Las Casas, México. E-Mail: