
Call for Papers. Special Number "100 Years of Social Work: Discussions and Perspectives on the Discipline's Past, Present and Future". Submissions in Spanish or English until the 30th October 2024 for publication in April 2025 (Issue 9). For more information please see the following link.

Public Policies: An analysis from the evidence-based approach in Social Work



One of the answers to the ethic reference in Social Work is the Evidence Based Approach. However, its use it is not limited to Social Work, in fact this approach supports a large proportion of decision made at the policy level today. Through, the public policies the State seeks the wellbeing of the population. Thus, it is important to show evidence about the implementation of such policies and how those meet their aims. At this point the proposed Evidence-Based Public Policy gains importance as a contemporary theoretical approach for Social Work, through its theoretical-critically analysis. The discourses and voices presented in this study are based on analysis of semi-structured interviews with social work professionals who have worked or are working with the approach.


Public Policies, Evidence based approach, Chilean Social Work

Author Biography

Antonia Díaz-Valdés, Universidad Mayor

PhD in Social Work from Boston College in the United States. Master's degree from the Pontifical University of the Catholic University of Chile. She is a Social Worker from the same institution. She is Assistant Professor at the Health and Society Research Center of the Universidad Mayor, Chile. Young Researcher at the Millennium Nucleus of Social Medicine (SocioMed), Universidad Mayor, Chile. Her research interests are related to public policies, pension system, aging and health.

E-mail: antonia.diazvaldes@umayor.cl


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