
Call for Papers. Special Number "100 Years of Social Work: Discussions and Perspectives on the Discipline's Past, Present and Future". Submissions in Spanish or English until the 30th October 2024 for publication in April 2025 (Issue 9). For more information please see the following link.

Social Work as a space for the construction of decolonial humanities



This article proposes a reflection on Social Work from the perspective that ethical listening and speaking are strategic tools in confronting the dehumanization processes imposed by modernity/coloniality. To understand these processes, I use the macro-sociological analysis of the long historical period according to Fernand Braudel and use the concept of “coloniality of power” by Aníbal Quijano to explain the current consequences of a structure of domination and exploitation of race/ethnicity, gender and class that began with colonialism. The contextual framing is mediated by the Fanonian conception that the societal constructions of modernity define dividing lines of humanity. Above the line, in the “zone of being”, are beings recognized as human and under it, in the “zone of not being”, are those classified as sub-humans. This division works as a structuring element for the exclusion and subordination of people, peoples and cultures. The central idea of the reflection defends that the “zone of not being” crosses and constitutes the territory of intervention of social workers and that, understanding it in its complexity guides the daily life of the profession in the construction of humanized and emancipatory relationships. This essay concludes the meaning that, as a theoretical and methodological instrument, the articulation of listening and ethical speech in Social Work with a decolonial existential political project may prove to be one of the spaces for the construction of humanities and combating the production and reproduction of "zones of not being”.


social work, subalternity, ethical, zone of not being, decoloniality

Author Biography

Vera Lúcia Ermida Barbosa, Universidad de Évora y Universidad Lusíada de Lisboa

Social Worker from Universidade Federal Fluminense (Brazil). Master's Degree in Community Psychosociology and Social Ecology from the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). PhD in Contemporary Studies from the University of Coimbra (Portugal). She develops research in the field of History and modern and contemporary historiography with emphasis on the study of cultural identities and material culture; formation of thought and praxis of Social Service.

E-mail: vermida@uevora.pt


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