Latin American public opinion vis-à-vis regional integration (1995-2018)



Literature on opposition to regional integration has concentrated on the European Union (EU). So far, very few systematic attempts have been pursued to explain opposition to regional integration in Latin America or to identify its main influential factors. Based on Latinobarometer surveys, two main findings emerge from this paper. First, it confirms that opposition to regional integration is not a generalised attitude among Latin Americans. Secondly, the way in which citizens across Latin America evaluate regional integration is strongly influenced by the same predictors as in the EU. Together, citizens’ assessments of economic performance (both at the individual and national level) enjoy a preponderance to account for their position regarding regionalism. Others variables, i.e. age, ideological position, and level of education have a more limited explanatory value while occupation is not significant. Thus, economic variables such as citizens’ perceptions of their national and individual economy have proven to be directly linked to support for/opposition to economic integration.


Regional integration, Public opinion, Opposition, Latin America

Author Biography

María Victoria Alvarez, Universidad Nacional de Rosario

PhD in International Relations (National University of Rosario, Argentina, UNR); Master’s degree in Integration and International Cooperation (UNR Argentina and K.U.Leuven University, Belgium); and postgraduate degree in European Union Law and European Economic Studies (Paris I Panthéon – Sorbonne, France). Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science and International Relations (DPScIR) – UNR.


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