Immigration in the security agenda in Chile. The new threats in the national defense books


  • Bernardo Navarrete Yánez Universidad de Santiago de Chile


International migration are considered new threats in the Books of the Defense of Chile, diagnosis influenced by the international context and the mainstream of literature on Security and Defense, reorienting the sectorial agenda and providing fresh content to migratory flows directed to the country, being characterized by the risks to national and societal security, specifically by conflicts between the native and foreign population, a threat to national culture and penetration of transnational illicit networks, such as drug dealing and trafficking in persons. Methodologically we used the case study method; historical content analysis of print media; focalized synthesis of specialized literature and the application of a semi-structured questionnaire to key informants.


Immigration, Book of National Defense, New Threats, Chile

Author Biography

Bernardo Navarrete Yánez, Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Profesor Asociado, Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Doctoro en Gobierno y Administración Pública por el Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset. Magíster en Ciencia Política por el Instituto de Ciencia Política de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile y Magíster en Ciencias Sociales por el Instituto Latinoamericano de Doctrina y Estudios Sociales (ILADES), Universidad Católica de Lovaina.