Argentina with China: the risk of prosperity


  • Roberto Miranda Universidad Nacional de Rosario; Universidad Nacional de La Plata


The purpose of this paper is to analyse the characteristics of bilateralism between Argentina and China in order to determine the prospects of this bilateralism as an interdependent relationship. To this end we hypothesize that while Argentina obtained important relative earnings, it was China that widened the pre-existent asymmetry in the framework of the extraordinary level of interaction reached between both countries. For Argentina, this involved the risk of entering into a situation of dependence with the Asian country. Beyond examining bilateral relations during the first decade of the present century, this paper identifies the reasons and conditions for the abovementioned risk.


Argentina, China, bilateralism, interdependence, risk

Author Biography

Roberto Miranda, Universidad Nacional de Rosario; Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Investigador del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina; profesor de grado y post-grado en la Universidad Nacional de Rosario y en la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina