Argentina in the Doha Round: bargaining position at the dawn of the decade


  • Julieta Zelicovich Universidad Nacional de Rosario


The Doha Round negotiations have become the longest multilateral trade negotiations in history. After nine years countries have not yet reached an agreement. However, throughout this time many things have changed. Within this framework this article examines analyses main aspects of Doha negotiations, its context and changes experiences by the agenda. As an example of how an average country has managed to deal within this issues inside the Trade Negotiations Committees, the case of Argentinian bargaining position and strategy are studied.


trade negociations, WTO, Argentina, Doha Round, bargaining position

Author Biography

Julieta Zelicovich, Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Profesora de economía internacional, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina; becaria de posgrado de CONICET; doctor© en relaciones internacionales, Universidad Nacional de Rosario; ha publicado diversos artículos en revistas de su especialidad y participado como ponente, entre otros, en el 10º Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Análisis Político (2011).