The events that unleashed in Indonesia after the Untung coup have been characterized by extreme cruelty and a massive scale of killings. The victims of the massacre were mainly communists or people who to a greater or lesser degree identified themselves as such. They were identified as culprit of the rebellion of September 30. The PKI (Communist Party of Indonesia) has been denounced by the military propaganda and the other powers that currently exist in Indonesia as the mastermind behind the coup. Few Asians would tend to view the latest events as "the best news in many years," as Time magazine called it in its July 15, 1966 issue. Celebrating Indonesia from a Western point of view indicates a lack of understanding of what the true Western interests would be for the future.
Coup, Indonesia, Indonesian Communist Party, Asia, Military Regime
Author Biography
W. F. Wertheim
Es profesor en la Universidad de Amsterdam. Entre sus principales publicaciones, estan Indonesian society in transition, 1959, y Sociological approaches to modern Asia, 1965.
Wertheim, W. F. (1967). Indonesia antes y después del golpe de Untung. Estudios Internacionales, 1(3-4), p. 337–352.