El estilo norteamericano : su pasado, sus principios


  • Stanley Hoffmann


Three aspects of America's uniqueness are relevant to the study of foreign policy: its past, its principles, and its pragmatism. All three are part of a national experience whose relevance for the outside world is uncertain, because the conditions in which it has occurred have been so different from conditions elsewhere. And yet the Americans have never stopped projecting the three facets of their experience onto their foreign policy. This article leaves out American pragmatism and concentrates on the other two traits in an attempt to answer two questions: What has been the legacy of the United States' past on the American attitude towards history? And what is the nature of American principles?


United States, Foreign Policy, Self-determination, American principles, Exceptionalism

Author Biography

Stanley Hoffmann

Es professor of government en la Universidad de Harvard; autor de Contemporary theory ¡n international relations, The state of war. Su libro más reciente, escrito para el Council on Foreign Relations, Nueva York, es Gulliver's troubles or the setting of American foreign policy.