Over time, mutual dependence affects transnational corporations more than any other organization. This is the heart of the matter in our script of the TNCs as an instrument of development in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Mutual dependence is more difficult to see where it affects TNCs the most: in investments and world trade. Interdependencies penetrate its components. In a new development process, TNCs can play a satisfactory and novel role; however, this role must be evaluated within the framework of the new economic order. With the creation of the Transnational Research and Development Institute, a full range of development tasks could be accomplished in which Third World priorities are combined with the unique resource capacities of TNCs.
Transnational Corporations, New Economic Order, Interdependence, Third World, Research and development
Author Biography
André van Dam
Economista holandés, planificador y autor de estudios prospectivos del tercer mundo, ha efectuado publicaciones en 30 países