El desarrollo de la teoría del desarrollo


  • Osvaldo Sunkel Universidad de Sussex, Inglaterra


This work examines the evolution of development theory in the last 25 years from three main perspectives: the nature of the societies that constitute the "object" of the theory and their international context; the nature of economic theory available when development became a major issue in the 1950s; and the reactions in thinking about development caused by the consequences of the development process itself. Ultimately, it is a kind of sociology of knowledge of development thinking, based more on personal experience as an economist in Latin America than on systematic research.


Development Theory, Sociology, Economic Theory, Latin America, Social Sciences

Author Biography

Osvaldo Sunkel, Universidad de Sussex, Inglaterra

Profesor de la Universidad de Sussex, Inglaterra. Autor de El subdesarrollo latinoamericano y La teoria del desarrollo, en colaboración con Pedro Paz, y de numerosos trabajos sobre la problemática de la dependencia.