In its first part, this work places the latest events in Brazil within an adequate historical perspective in such a way as to give the importance that corresponds to the changing economic conditions of the post-war world, this since, in our opinion, an analysis of a program for the future is meaningless unless the limitations imposed on fundamental domestic options by the greater integration of Brazil with the international economy through trade and finance and investment are known. The second part addresses the agenda items from a point of view that highlights the role of politics, both in the anticipated reorganization of the world economy and the international institutional framework and in the changes that would eventually take place within major peripheral countries, such as Brazil.
Brazil, International Economic Relations, Latin America, New International Economic Order, Development
Author Biography
Pedro Sampaio Malan, Universidad Católica de Río de Janeiro, Brasil.
Miembro del Instituto de Planificación Económica y Social, Secretaría de Planificación, y profesor de la Universidad Católica de Río de Janeiro, Brasil.
Malan, P. S. (1978). Las relaciones económicas internacionales del Brasil : notas para una agenda de investigación. Estudios Internacionales, 11(41), p. 51–72.