Intereses mutuos : las verdaderas bases del diálogo norte-sur


  • Luciano Tomassini Foro Latinoamericano


During the last 30 years, developing countries have become aware that their insertion into the international system constitutes one of the main factors that hinders or delays their development process. The feeling of disillusionment in the face of aid and the deep crisis into which the industrialized economies slid constituted a favorable field for the action undertaken by OPEC in 1973 to become a kind of paradigm for the rest of the developing countries. However, a strategy such as that promoted by certain idealistic or radical groups, both in the North and in the South, aimed at promoting the segregation of developing countries with respect to the international economy does not seem desirable or feasible, but rather aim to improve their participation in it through the identification of areas of common interest that allow mutual benefit.


New International Economic Order, Developing Countries, Developed Countries, North-South Relations, Cooperation

Author Biography

Luciano Tomassini, Foro Latinoamericano

Ex asesor del presidente del BID, es secretario ejecutivo del Foro Latinoamericano y autor de diversos trabajos en el campo de las relaciones internacionales de América Latina.