Las relaciones entre América Latina y los Estados Unidos


  • Antonio Azevedo da Silveira Ministerio de Relaciones Internacionales, Brasil


Any interpretation of the history of the 20th century leaves no room for doubt about the constant interest of Latin America in changing the tenor of its relations with the United States. As if this were not enough, in recent years relations between the two have practically stagnated, they have lost their specificity and it can be said that they are adrift. Paternalistic aid programs were replaced by indifference, which was mitigated only in a very few cases. Lately, it is true that apathy gave way to great activism, but this has not made our relationships as dynamic as they should be, considering the nature and seriousness of the problems faced by the peoples of this hemisphere.


Latin America, United States, Inter-American Relations, International Economic Relations, Cooperation

Author Biography

Antonio Azevedo da Silveira, Ministerio de Relaciones Internacionales, Brasil

Ministro de relaciones internacionales de Brasil.