Aproximaciones a la política exterior latinoamericana


  • Gerhald Drekonia Kornat Center for Latin American Studies de la Universidad de Pittsburg


The evolution of Latin American foreign policy is a fact. The Latin American learning process within the international system begins to yield results, both conceptual and practical. However, Latin America hesitates to employ its already rich foreign policy instrumentation and does not take full advantage of its bargaining power. In this way, the observation that the ideology of a multilateral foreign policy, collectively developed for the subcontinent and is only used successfully at the national level is contradictory. At the beginning of the eighties, this assessment must be reviewed again, in view of the fact that a "social energy system" is crystallizing, which dislodges the traditional factors of power to make room for energy resources controlled by nation states.


Latin America, Foreign Policy, International System, Inter-American Relations, International Autonomy

Author Biography

Gerhald Drekonia Kornat, Center for Latin American Studies de la Universidad de Pittsburg

Austriaco, miembro del Instituto Austríaco para América Latina.  Asistente de investigación del Center for Latin American Studies de la Universidad de Pittsburg.  Profesor visitante en la Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá.