The purpose of this paper is to describe the evolution of some extra-regional ties in Latin America under highly asymmetric conditions, particularly during the boom and decline of the primacy of the United States and how this evolution is reflected in some key areas such as politics, trade and defense. The article is structured in the following chapters: the first provides a theoretical-methodological frame of reference; the second provides a synopsis of historical ties during the primacy of Europe. The third examines the transformation of the United States from Colony to Great Power and its effect on Spanish America. The conclusion of the article confirms the hypothesis that Latin America as a marginal international system has evolved towards a more autonomous system.
Latin America, International Relations, United States, Marginal International System, Autonomy
Author Biography
Walter Sánchez G., Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile
PHD en ciencia política. Profesor del Instituto de Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad de Chile.
Sánchez G., W. (1981). Relaciones internacionales de América Latina : marginalidad y autonomía. Estudios Internacionales, 14(55), p. 322–356.