América Central como región de crisis internacional


  • Wolf Grabendorff


The revolution in Nicaragua and the situation bordering on civil war that reigns in El Salvador and Guatemala has provoked the intervention of numerous national and transnational actors. The overlap of the North-South conflict with the East-West conflict is so clear that it is essential to thoroughly analyze the interests and alliances existing in the Central American region that is in crisis. These conflicts have been caused by the underdevelopment and exploitation of each of these countries by their own elites and not by the presence or the political interests of international actors. In this paper, we focus on the analysis of the situation in Central America regarding the collapse of its political structures, the change the policy of the United States from Carter to Reagan, and the interests of regional powers (Mexico, Cuba, Venezuela and Colombia) and extra-regional powers in the subcontinent.


Central America, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, International Crisis

Author Biography

Wolf Grabendorff

Cientista político alemán, ex investigador del Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Sociales de Münich, Alemania.