The problems that the Andean Group has faced and its very existence as a reaction to ALALC explains the progressive loss of vitality of this integration effort. There is a situation of real stagnation in the negotiations to advance the definitions of the expanded market (common external tariff, liberalization and industrial programs). Despite progress in other fields, there is a general discouragement and in recent times a real deterioration in trade, which exacerbates the feeling of crisis. A concise and precise diagnosis of what is happening has been signed by the member countries in the "Plan for the Reorientation of the Andean Integration Process", which includes eight areas. In this paper, those strategies are presented in detail, focusing in the areas that we consider crucial: formation of the expanded market, integration in the industrial sector and special regime for Bolivia and Ecuador.
Andean Group, Latin America, Integration, International Economic Relations, Reorientation Plan
Author Biography
Germánico Salgado, Gobierno de Ecuador
Ex ministro de la Junta del Acuerdo de Cartagena. Ministro de gobierno de Ecuador
Salgado, G. (1984). El Grupo Andino : problemas y perspectivas. Estudios Internacionales, 17(68), p. 459–492.