Puerto Rico represents an exceptional case in the history of Latin America due to the nature of its relations with the United States. The lack of precision regarding the status of this country is related to its economic development, which has been spectacular in the last 40 years precisely because of its association with the United States. However, the crises that afflict the latter affects a dependency like Puerto Rico doubly. This is why it is mandatory to examine the development of the island always in relation to the United States. This article analyzes the dilemmas that Puerto Rico faces in a context of crisis due to its particular status.
Puerto Rico, United States, Political Status, Dependent Development, North American Intervention
Author Biography
Iván Jaksic, Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos, Universidad de California en Berkeley
Investigador asociado en el Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos de la Universidad de California, en Berkeley.
Jaksic, I. (1984). Puerto Rico : Los dilemas del status político y el desarrollo dependiente. Estudios Internacionales, 17(67), p. 359–377. https://doi.org/10.5354/0719-3769.1984.15800