Un estudio sobre la graduación


  • Marcelo de Paiva Abreu Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Sociales de Río de Janeiro
  • Winston Fritsch nsituto de Estudios Políticos y Sociales Río de Janeiro


"Graduation" refers to the moment in which a developing country stops complying with the requirements that make it deserving of special, more favorable treatment according to the rules established by certain multilateral organizations that benefit them when they have a relatively lower level of economic development. In the financial development sphere, graduation involves loss of access to loans from multilateral development banks, the terms of which are more favorable than those often obtained by the developing lender from private financial markets. This paper is focused on the application of the concept in the context of the official financial development of the World Bank and the regulations that govern multilateral trade relations under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).


Graduation, Less Developed Countries, Economic Aid, North-South Relations, Multilateral Organizations

Author Biographies

Marcelo de Paiva Abreu, Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Sociales de Río de Janeiro

Economista brasileño. Asesor del Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Sociales de Río de Janeiro.

Winston Fritsch, nsituto de Estudios Políticos y Sociales Río de Janeiro

Economista brasileño. Asesor del Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Sociales de Río de Janeiro.