The Group of Eight –formed by Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Venezuela and Uruguay - is the most recent institutional development in international relations among Latin American countries. It constitutes a communication and work mechanism between a group of countries that share democratic forms of government and its objective is to deepen political agreement on the basis of the fundamental affinities that unite them, and that are expressed in a community of interests, of challenges and problems, values and a shared feeling of Latin American solidarity. The influence of the Group of Eight may lie in the effective capacity of the majority of the countries that comprise it, to influence the evolution of economic and political events that interest the region.
Author Biography
Félix Peña, Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo
Cientista político argentino. Ex director de INTAL y ex secretario ejecutivo del Consejo Argentino de Relaciones Internacionales. Actualmente es subgerente de investigación del BID.
Peña, F. (1988). La cumbre latinoamericana de Acapulco : transformación económica, democratización y cooperación internacional. Estudios Internacionales, 21(81), p. 15–22.