La importancia de América Latina en el sistema internacional en la década de los ochenta : un ensayo bibliográfico


  • Rubén M. Perina OEA
  • Norma A. Ramírez


The growing importance of Latin America in the international system is manifested in a context characterized by the emergence of new trends, by the rapid changes that occur in the system, by the complexity that it is acquiring, and by the impact that it has every time more on the development of the nation-states of the region. These changes and trends go through a growing interdependence in the system, which is also observed in the growing proliferation of international groups, interests or "actors" and their networks. There is also a growing multipolarity, and in the countries of the "North" there is attention to the demand of the "South" for a new, more equitable order. The purpose of this bibliographic essay is to identify what are the changes in the importance of Latin America perceived by the prominent authors included here, and what relevance they assign to Latin America in this new context.


Latin America, International System, Interdependence, Multipolarity, Economy and Politics

Author Biography

Rubén M. Perina, OEA

Doctor en ciencia política y director del Programa de Estudios Regionales de la OEA.