The German dilemma has apparently been resolved with the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the unification of the two German states. These events contribute to the change of the world and the restructuring of the European and international system. However, the answer to the hitherto called "German question" raises new questions and even concerns, and calls for a whole new explanation of international politics. The fact of overcoming the division of the country - which also meant overcoming the division of Europe - is necessarily linked to a redefinition of the European system, especially in the field of security. The present work aims to understand this process in its national and international dimension including the future relations between unified Germany and developing countries.
Germany, Reunification, European System, International System, North-South Relations
Author Biography
Wilhelm Hofmeister, Fundación Konrad Adenauer
Investigador alemán especialista en relaciones internacionales y desarrollo político en Latinoamérica. Estudios en ciencia política, sociología e historia en la Universidad de Mainz. Representante en Chile de la Fundación Konrad Adenauer desde 1988.
Hofmeister, W. (1990). La resolución de la cuestión alemana : su dimensión nacional e internacional. Estudios Internacionales, 23(92), p. 512–531.