The European Community dialogue with the Association of Southeast Asian States (ASEAN) started in 1972 has proven to be fruitful. While its economic aspect stands out, at no time has it been able to hide the much greater significance of the political-strategic dimension (regionalism as a structural principle of international relations). The advantages for Europe are the fact of having a reliable interlocutor in a region that from a vitality perspective is endowed with good future opportunities; have an at least indirect presence in the conversations and development trends related to the great space of the Pacific and; benefit from competitive relationships provided by access to Southeast Asian product and investment markets. The advantages for the Asian side are equally clear.
European Community, ASEAN, Interregional Cooperation, International Economic Relations, Asia Pacific
Author Biography
Manfred Mols, Instituto de Ciencias Políticas, Universidad de Maguncia
Profesor de ciencias políticas y de relaciones internacionales. Director del Instituto de Ciencias Políticas de la Universidad de Maguncia, Alemania. Experto en temas de integración.
Mols, M. (1990). Comunidad Europea - Asean : ¿Un modelo de cooperación interregional?. Estudios Internacionales, 23(92), p. 424–443.