Modern diplomacy must be adapted to the new challenges of contemporary society and be understood as a “diplomacy of solidarity”, for which cooperation is essential. In this paper, the legal nature of cooperation is analyzed and it is linked to the notion of development. It is intended to advance some central ideas that make it possible to define a more effective diplomatic path, which must start from a renewed concept and revitalize, in this sense, the fundamental purposes of the United Nations Charter. For this reason, actions related to cooperation are proposed within the framework of this organization - such as the Chilean initiative to study the distribution of the benefits of space activity - and, following this, the relevant issues for modern diplomatic action are explained. And it is that in Third World countries it is essential to emphasize the specialized multilateral path and act in concert.
Diplomacy, Multilateralism, Cooperation, Development, Third World
Author Biography
Raimundo González Aninat
Diplomático chileno, miembro de la Dirección de Asuntos Especiales del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Chile. Actualmente se desempeña como ministro consejero en la Embajada de Chile en Bélgica.
González Aninat, R. (1991). Algunas reflexiones sobre una diplomacia multilateral contemporánea. Estudios Internacionales, 24(95), p. 303–346.