Apertura y reforma de la economía cubana : las transformaciones institucionales (1990-1993)


  • Pedro Monreal González
  • Manuel Rúa


In 1993, the economic opening process of Cuba was consolidated, one of the components of the policy adopted by the government to face the worst economic crisis in recent decades. It is a process of partial economic reform that fundamentally encompasses three simultaneous and interrelated phenomena: the accelerated development of international tourism, the diversification of foreign trade and the promotion of foreign investment. In this paper we argue that what began as the selective opening of the Cuban economy has been transformed into a partial economic reform, characterized by important institutional modifications and oriented towards the market, capable of generating trends in its own evolution that could transform it into a broader economic reform with the potential to overcome the current dual nature of the Cuban economic system.


Cuba, Crisis, Economic Opening, Economic Reform, Institutional Transformations

Author Biographies

Pedro Monreal González

Analista del Centro de Estudios sobre América (CEA), La Habana.  Recientemente estuvo como profesor visitante en la Universidad de California (Berkeley).  Ha escrito una gran cantidad de trabajos sobre Cuba y es coeditor de Cuadernos de Nuestra América, revista que publica el CEA.

Manuel Rúa

Destacado economista de la Cámara de Comercio de Cuba e investigador asociado del Centro de Estudios sobre América (CEA), La Habana.  Ha escrito diversos estudios sobre la economía cubana.