The changes produced on the world stage force all countries to readjust the traditional bases of their external work. Developing countries, and Chile in particular, have "the" opportunity to emerge from marginality, for which they must make decisions in some key areas such as foreign policy. In the new scenario, it is possible to identify certain megatrends and micro-trends that further complicate the vision. But, at the same time, three ideas are distinguished around which there is consensus: democracy and the social market economy, as means, and development as the objective of society. Chile has learned some lessons and has reacted, however this is not enough and it must begin a process of redefining its participation in the world. Finally, it is concluded that a new Ministry of Foreign Affairs is required and some of the characteristics that it should have are mentioned.
Developing Countries, Chile, Foreign Policy, Development, International Insertion
Author Biography
Mario Matus Baeza
Abogado de la Universidad de Chile, estudios de post-grado en la Universidad de Oxford, Inglaterra. secretario del servicio exterior, gabinete de la Subsecretaría del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Chile.
Matus Baeza, M. (1993). Hacia una nueva política exterior de Chile. Estudios Internacionales, 26(104), p. 571–594.