Relaciones internacionales entre Chile y Estados Unidos durante el período de la restauración democrática : 1990-1993


  • José A. Morandé Lavín Profesor, Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile


Ties with the United States have been one of the international insertion priority areas of Chile's foreign policy. This represents a matter of great sensitivity in the perceptions of the different sectors of the national community. From the perspective of the evolution and transformation of the bilateral agenda, and based on a tentative evaluation of the positions of the Chilean elites on it, this essay analyzes the points of friction and cooperation that are inherited from the military regime and the way in which domestic actors addressed these issues during the beginning of the democratic period.


Chile, United States, Foreign Policy, Bilateral Agenda, Democratization

Author Biography

José A. Morandé Lavín, Profesor, Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile

Magíster en estudios internacionales y candidato a doctor de la Universidad de Denver, Colorado, Estados Unidos; profesor y coordinador de investigación del Instituto de Estudios Internacionales.