The end of the Cold War has not, as many thought, resulted in a decrease in conflict. Considering the above, this paper analyzes arms and the military industry as a cause-effect relationship. This affects not only the great powers but also the poorest countries, to the detriment of the socio-economic development of the latter. The disarmament agreements have been insufficient and as long as the demand exists, the supply will continue. In this way, the reduction in military spending, arms manufacturing and official trade has not meant obtaining dividends for peace, since the resources obtained have not been used for development tasks.
Post-Cold War, Conflicts, Armament, War Industry, Military Expenditures
Author Biography
Agustín Toro Dávila, Profesor, Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile
Oficial de Estado Mayor del Ejército y profesor militar de academia en las asignaturas de Historia Militar y Estrategia, y, Geografía y Geopolítica; profesor del Instituto de Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad de Chile.
Toro Dávila, A. (1995). El futuro de la industria bélica : entre el armamentismo y el desarme. Estudios Internacionales, 28(112), p. 484–506.