Is the century of the Pacific coming? There are those who, after the last crises of the Asian nations, have begun to doubt it and the "region of economic miracles" has begun to be viewed with skepticism. Latin America's interest in intensifying its relations with the Asia-Pacific region materialized in bilateral relations with states such as Indonesia, India or the People's Republic of China, on a more rhetorical than real level for the purposes of economic development. Starting from that base, this article considers the origin, development and perspectives of the political-economic relations between both areas of the Basin. The aim is to elucidate to what extent, based on the transformation processes that occurred in Latin America, new spaces have been opened for foreign relations that make possible a real increase in contacts between both regions, with new political, bilateral and multilateral associations.
Pacific Basin, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, Interregional Relations, Development
Author Biography
Manfred Mols
Director de la sección de estudios políticos del exterior y política de desarrollo, Instituto de Ciencia Política, Universidad de Maguncia, Alemania.
Mols, M., & Faust, J. (1998). Latinoamérica y el Asia-Pacífico : un acercamiento entre euforia y escepticismo. Estudios Internacionales, 31(121-122), p. 7–35.