The international context and the internal Political System is the global framework where the foreign policy of a small country like Costa Rica is inscribed. This context is made up of external and internal actors. They increase or decrease the room for maneuver of foreign policies. The various theoretical studies that have analyzed the elements that constitute both the external and internal sphere of the foreign policies of small countries have undervalued some internal indicators that affect the behavior of the margins of maneuver. This article redefines the concept of "room for maneuver" and with it its new characteristics and illustrates it in the practice of foreign policies of the Arias Sánchez (1986-1990) and Rafael Ángel Calderón Fournier (1990-1994) administrations.
Costa Rica, Foreign Policy, Theory and Analysis, Small Countries, Room for Maneuver
Author Biography
Ethel Abarca Amador
Licenciada en ciencia política en la Universidad de Costa Rica; funcionaría de la Cancillería Costarricense.
Abarca Amador, E. (1998). Algunos elementos teóricos para el análisis de políticas exteriores de pequeños paises. Estudios Internacionales, 31(123-124), p. 88–101.