This paper reviews the main features of the process of construction of interdependence undertaken by the Common Market of the South, an essential axis of the viability of an integration project that aspires to structure a regional space that combines the efficient allocation of resources, the affirmation of democratic governance and the expansion of the margins of maneuver of the international system formed by its member states. Economic interdependence is understood as the increased sensitivity of the economic behavior of other countries. This definition, proposed by ECLAC and collected by Da Motta Veiga, is related, spatially and temporally, with the one that is aspired, constructed and verified in the concrete experience of an integration process.
MERCOSUR, Economic Interdependence, Policy Options, Integration Processes, Latin America
Author Biography
Iván Silva E.
Abogado; magíster en integración y cooperación internacional, Centro de Estudios Interdisciplinarios (CEI) y Centro de Estudios en Relaciones Internacionales (CERIR), Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina.
Silva E., I. (2001). El Mercosur : apuntes sobre opciones de política y edificación de interdependencia económica. Estudios Internacionales, 34(135), p. 86–109.