The economic and political signs increasingly point to the world epicenter moving to Asia Pacific, where the most dynamic economies in the international arena have developed in recent years. Latin America has the historical possibility of joining, adapting and benefiting from this trend. For our region to position itself in this line and thus get out of lethargy, a radical change of attitude is necessary, especially of the political and business elite, which until now have been unable to mobilize with greater imagination and audacity in order to overcome the marginality of the region. In this article the most relevant features of a strategic and concrete nature of the relationship between both regions are pointed out, and what should be, in our understanding, the contribution of Chile given its geographical location, the characteristics of its development model and its open foreign policy to the world.
Asia Pacific, Latin America, Chile, Interregional Relations, Development
Author Biography
Eduardo Rodríguez Guarachi
Abogado-consultor; ex encargado de negocios en Indonesia y Singapur; ex embajador en Japón y Argentina; consejero de la Fundación Chilena del Pacífico.
Rodríguez Guarachi, E. (2002). América Latina y el Asia Pacífico : la contribución potencial de Chile. Estudios Internacionales, 35(138), p. 119–127.