The role of regional institutions is one of the most prominent issues for the future of Latin America, which is absent from the predominant focus in the debate on the international economic reform agenda. It is especially absent from the main reports of the North and from reform proposals coming from multilateral institutions. This absence is paradoxical in a world in which a substantial part of trade takes place between neighboring countries or countries that share the same region (note the European Union or NAFTA), in which financial crises are spread intra-regionally, and where the environment and Natural resources suffer deterioration or pressure from geographically close nations or from natural phenomena that cross geopolitical borders.
Latin America, Regional Institutions, Crisis, Environment, Globalization
Author Biography
Ricardo Ffrench-Davis Muñoz, Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile
Asesor regional principal de la CEPAL y profesor titular del Instituto de Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad de Chile.
Ffrench-Davis Muñoz, R., & Di Filippo, A. (2003). El rol de las instituciones regionales en la globalización. Estudios Internacionales, 36(141), p. 5–22.