The concept of sustainable development involves a compromise solution between environmental protection and economic growth. This objective of integration between environment and economic development was one of the most important of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development and was embodied in Principle 4 of the Rio Declaration. The problem is that the concept by itself does not tell us what criteria are used to establish the parameters of integration between economic development and the environment. This paper analyzes these possible criteria and, in particular, pauses to examine the influence that the concept of sustainable development has had on international law.
International Law, Sustainable Development, Earth Summit and Rio Declaration, Environmental Protection, Economic Growth
Author Biography
Alan Boyle, Escuela de Derecho, Universidad de Edimburgo
Profesor de derecho internacional público, Escuela de Derecho de la Universidad de Edimburgo; especialista en derecho ambiental; autor de numerosas publicaciones especializadas.
Boyle, A. (2004). Derecho internacional y desarrollo sustentable. Estudios Internacionales, 37(147), p. 5–29.