This paper is an analytical contribution to the nature of the relations that are established between North America, the European Union and South America. These regions have a common heritage in their conceptions of good governance and market economy, but their relationships are strongly marked by structural differences and geopolitical alliances, since this "Atlantic Triangle" contains in itself so much of the region that today it assumes leadership economically and politically in a unipolar world, as well as economically and politically very weak states. Likewise, what, seen from the outside, could constitute a powerful international subsystem, presents, inwardly, different models of regionalism and integration, which compete with each other and which limit the possibilities of achieving their common objectives of economic cooperation, promoting international economic norms and facilitating development, as well as their joint action against the common threats of the international system.
North America, European Union, South America, Atlantic Triangle, Triangular Relations
Author Biography
Wolf Grabendorff
Politólogo alemán, fundador y ex director del Instituto de Relaciones Europeo-Latinoamericanas (IRELA), Madrid; representante de la Fundación Friedrich Ebert en Colombia (FESCOL); autor de numerosas publicaciones sobre su especialidad.
Grabendorff, W. (2005). Relaciones triangulares en un mundo unipolar : América del Norte, la Unión Europea y América del Sur. Estudios Internacionales, 38(149), p. 21–.