Relaciones internacionales : de la clonación a la creación : la mirada desde el Instituto de Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad de Chile (1966-2006)


  • Walter Sánchez G. Profesor, Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile


When the Institute of International Studies of the University of Chile turns forty, it is necessary to evaluate its contributions. This essay corresponds to a reflection on the way in which in the field of international relations the pendulum movement has oscillated from the extreme of cloning and critical assimilation of theories from the first world to that of the creation of alternative local disciplinary proposals. It begins by outlining a retrospective analysis of the achievements and shortcomings to focus in particular in the analysis of the content of these pendulum swings, explaining "how and why" a sui generis look was developed. Secondly, the opportunity is taken to look at the new academic challenges presented by the international system, especially how to globalize without losing our own path and national identity.


Institute of International Studies, University of Chile, International Relations, Latin America, Research and Academia

Author Biography

Walter Sánchez G., Profesor, Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile

Licenciado en educación y profesor de filosofia, Universidad Católica, Valparaíso; doctor en ciencia política, Universidad de Notre Dame, Estados Unidos; director adjunto, Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile.