Women´s movements as agents of the public agenda


  • Tatiana Rein Venegas University of Essex


The present article explores the characteristics of women's movements in four countries of South America: Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay. Through the employment of a qualitative comparison, it intends to determine if in those countries there is a unitary movement in the struggle for women's rights. Moreover, it enquires into the characteristics of the movements that determine their capacity to influence the public agenda. Results suggest that in all cases it is possible to identify a unitary women's movement, but that there are differences in the level of networking among the various organizations, as well as in their autonomy and independence from the state. These differences shape their differing individual capacity to influence the public agenda.


women’s movements, social movements, gender, Latin America, South America

Author Biography

Tatiana Rein Venegas, University of Essex

Licenciada en derecho, Universidad de Chile; magíster en estudios internacionales, Instituto de Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad de Chile; académica del mismo Instituto, actualmente en comisión de estudios en la Universidad de Essex, Reino Unido.