Closing of the romantic utopia and emancipation process in La brecha by Mercedes Valdivieso


  • Patricia Espinosa H. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Instituto de Estética


Although Mercedes Valdivieso would belong to the literary generation of the 50’s, her name is rarely mentioned in the histories of literature. Her first publication, La brecha (1961), is a feminist novel, the first at a national level. This work will identify an aesthetic which I call localized or situated, where the model of construction of the feminine coming from the patriarchal hegemony and the protagonist’s desire for emancipation, is stressed. For this, the novel elaborates two fundamental proposals of disarticulation of the hegemonic feminine: the fall of the romantic utopia and the yearning for salaried work. The result is not an emancipated woman, but in the process of emancipation. That is to say, I will try to show how in La brecha detaching oneself from romanticism and having a salaried job become the axes of the identity formation of the protagonist.


Feminism, Emancipation, Chilean Novel, Feminist Novel, Romantic Utopia, Salaried Work